rise from the ashes

(yes that was a phoenix wright reference)

status update: lebd is essentially abandoned now, mostly because it was way too difficult to achieve basic things i wanted in it. instead, 00dani.me is now running on a django codebase i’ve dubbed lemoncurry

(yes that was a monty python reference)

lemoncurry’s only seen a few days of development (i started on monday) but already it can basically do everything that lebd could:

  • my h-card’s nicely rendered on the home page, with rel="me" links and all that jazz
  • i can write notes and articles (this is an article) using markdown syntax, and they’re rendered properly as an h-feed with nested h-entry elements
  • syndications are trackable - it’s manual, like it was with lebd, but whatevs

and a few things that lebd couldn’t:

  • there’s an actual admin panel, which is where i’m typing this, rather than having to insert stuff into the database manually. django has tools to automatically generate the site admin, and i’m using them. pretty rad! in practice i’ll probably end up posting content over micropub anyway but it’s nice to have a site admin
  • two-factor auth!!!! yessssss
  • the html looks a lot nicer! it’s still not perfect, and there’s some messy indentation, but it’s a lot friendlier than it was and i’m pretty happy with it

so, um, that’s cool?? neat

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